Thursday 9 December 2010

Third analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page.

Third analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page.
This is going to be the third and last of three music magazine contents pages that I am going to analyse as part of my music magazine re-search, this will help me in the step by step process in producing my own music magazine contents page. The three music magazine covers that I am going to analyse are going to be of the same genre that I have chose to base my music magazine on which is heavy metal / rock. The third  music magazine contents page that I am going to analyse is going to be from an issue of “Kerrang“ magazine. I will analyse the cover using the LIIAR technique.

Language - The contents page in this issue of Kerrang features a number of images and photographs which are relevent to what articles are going to be featured inside this issue of the Kerrang magazine. The largest photo on this contents page is of rock band "You me at six" and thier photo is taken at a medium shot so that we can see al three band member clearly and feel thier expressions. There is then eight other photos on the contents page of other rock bands and artists. Three of the photos are also taken at a medium shot. There is then four other photos which are at a medium close up shot so we can see clear detail in thier facial expressions and then the other photo is of an album cover which is going to be promoted in the magazine. There is a masthead which says "Contents" to tell the reader that this is the contents page, it is in a yellow font with a black background and even though it is not the biggest masthead it is still very noticeable due to the use of colour. Yellow and black is used for all sub headings including the page numbers which direct the viewer to a particular page that an artists article is featured on. All page numbers are clearly visible and next to them they have a brief descrption or pull quote to make the reader go and read the article. Kerrang magazine use a consistent house style on all of thier contents pages and front covers. The main colours used within the magazine are yello, black and white as you can see on this specific contents page. This is to make the magazine look noticable and easy to spot. It gives the magazine its own unique look. On the contents pages in all issues that Kerrang release, the masthead stays in the same place along with the positioning of the photos and text which is an other example of consistancy within the house style of the magazine. On the right side of the contents page there is a list of more page numbers directing the reader to different pages in the magazine. The text used here is also clearly visible as the black font contrast with the white background. Also by having each individual subheading in a yellow font with a black bacground i clearly shows the audiance what each article is about whether it is just about general news or album reviews etc.

Institution - The institution for Kerrang magazine is a publishing company called Bauer. Although Bauer are the institution for NME magazine. NME is for a much older target audiance and Kerrang is for the younger audiance. So Bauer wont be eating into thier own budget due to the different audiances for both magazines.

Ideology - The ideology in this contents page is to navigate the audiance around the magazine showing them what articles and stories are on each particular page in the magazine. By making the contents page interesting, it makes the audiance carry on reading because they are interested to see what is going to be featured inside a particluar article that they want to look at.

Audiance - The audiance for Kerrang magazine is for the younger generation probably between the ages of 16 and 22 who enjoy listening to the rock music of today. Kerrang is released on a weekly basis and is priced at £2.20 so most people can afford to but it on a weekly basis and is aimed at both males and females.

Representation - The photographs featured on this contents page represent the rock music genre. The bands are representing aspects of society back to the audiance. The audiance want to be just like them, they look upto some of these people and they aspire to be just like them. This sells the magazine which is another example of synergy. The bands and artist on this contents page are helping Bauer and Kerrang to sell the magazine and Bauer and Kerrang are featuring articles on the artist and bands inside the magazine promoting thier upcoming album releases, tours and gigs etc.

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