Wednesday 8 December 2010

Second analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page.

Second analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page.

This is going to be the second and of three music magazine contents pages that I am going to analyse as part of my music magazine re-search, this will help me in the step by step process in producing my own music magazine contents page. The three music magazine covers that I am going to analyse are going to be of the same genre that I have chose to base my music magazine on which is heavy metal / rock. The second  music magazine contents page that I am going to analyse is going to be from an issue of “NME“ magazine. I will analyse the cover using the LIIAR technique.

Language – The contents page in this issue of NME is relevant to what is going to be featured in the magazine. The contents page features relevant images and photographs directing the reader to the page which the specific bands article is featured on. There are two photographs on this contents page which are taken at a medium full shot. The photographs are in medium full shot to show the full expressions that the artists are feeling whilst they are performing. The two photos featured on the contents page are of artists who perform rock music which shows what type of music genre this magazine is. All main features on the contents page such as the masthead, sub headings, text and colours etc are positioned in the same place on all issues that NME release of their magazine. This is to keep a consistent house style and to make the magazine look noticeable. The three main colours used on this contents page is red, black and white. It gives the magazine its own unique look. The way things are positioned on the contents page will stay the same, but the images and text used will change to fit the articles featured in the magazine. There is a masthead positioned at the top left of the contents page with the magazine logo NME. The masthead on this contents page is positioned in the same place as the masthead on the front cover of all issues of NME magazine, as show in my earlier re-search when I analysed a front cover of NME. There is text to the right of the masthead in large capital letters which says “THIS WEEK”, even though there is no text on the contents page which says “contents” its is clearly shown to the reader that this is the contents page having the text “THIS WEEK” clearly visible at the top of the page. There is a band index which runs along the left hand side of the contents page showing the reader which pages within the magazine they can find their favourite bands and artists on. The font colour is black and contrasts with the white background making the font clearly visible. There are also several subheadings on the right side of the contents page which are in a white font and are in capital letters with a black border and background around them also making them clearly visible. It also tells the reader what they can expect to see within the magazine contents.

Institution – The institution for NME magazine is a publishing company called Bauer, which is a large German publishing company based in Hamburg as I said earlier in my re-search when I analysed the front cover of a NME magazine. Institution is also used by featuring rock band Oasis in the photographs on the contents page. By Oasis allowing “NME”  to use them as the main band featured within the issue of this magazine, it helps “NME” sell thousands of copies of this particular issue that he is featured on and in return “NME” have a write up for featured in the magazine on Oasis promoting his upcoming tour and gigs etc, this is called synergy, were both sides are helping each other out.

Ideology – The Ideology in this contents page is to navigate and show the reader what articles and stories are going to be featured inside the issue of this magazine. By giving a positive influence and attitude to the articles that the viewer will read in this magazine, it makes them want to read on because the contents page has made the magazine seem interesting.

Audience – The audience for this magazine and its contents page, is for an audience who are inspired and enjoy listening to the rock music genre because it is a rock based magazine.

Representation – The two photographs that are on this contents page represent the rock music genre. These photos were not planned and were taken during a live event by a professional photographer. The bands on the contents page are representing aspects of society back to us the viewer. This is an example of synergy, by having several bands who the target audience idolise on the cover it helps the company sell their magazine and the magazine company are helping the particular bands and artists promote their upcoming tours and gigs etc.

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