Sunday 12 December 2010

Price of Magazine / How often it will be published.

Price of Magazine / How often it will be Published.

My magazine will be priced at £3.99 and will be published on a monthly basis which will feature around 140 pages. By having the price at £3.99 it makes the magazine affordable to all social classes. I also think that it is cheaper for the audience to purchase a magazine on a monthly basis because they will only be paying £3.99 per month. Were as if my magazine was going to be published on a weekly basis it wouldnt be made with the best quality paper etc. It would also cost probably around £2.30. £2.30 does sound cheap for a magazine that is published on a weekly basis but when you add the four weeks in a month it comes to around £9.20 per month and would only feature between 50 and 60 pages per issue. So by having my music magazine published monthly it will be benifical to the target audience because i will be saving them money and the magazine will feature more pages and will also be made with high quality resources. It will feature the latest news for the specific month in which it is released. Telling the audiance about all of the upcoming heavy metal and rock bands gigs, tours and concerts. My magazine is going to have a consistent housestyle to make it look recognisable and easy to notice.

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