Thursday 9 December 2010

Third analysis of Music Magazine Double Page Spread.

Third analysis of Music Magazine Double Page Spread. 

This is going to be the third and last of three music magazine double page spreads that I am going to analyse as part of my music magazine re-search, this will help me in the step by step process in producing my own music magazine double page spread. The three music magazine double page spreads that I am going to analyse are going to be of the same genre that I have chose to base my music magazine on which is heavy metal / rock. The third music magazine double page spread that I am going to analyse is going to be from the issue of “NME“. I will analyse the double page spread using the LIIAR technique.

Language - NME magazine has a double page spread to introduce the main artist featured in the issue of the magazine. In this issue of NME the main band / artist that is featured in the magazine and is on the double page spread is rock band The Chapman Family. The image on this double page spread is on the left page and the image is taken at a long shot because we can see all of the band members clearly. While the focus is on the band members, plenty of background detail still emerges for example the lamp, mirror and the stair case etc. The photograph for this double page spread was pre-planned and the band are posing in a particular way to fit the scene that they are in. The photograph was not taken during a live event. The masthead on this double page spread quite simply says "The Chapman Family", it is in a large white font and takes up just under one third of the page. It also contrasts well with the photograph which it has being placed on due to darker features on the photograph, making the masthead stand out. The photo and the text in the masthead work really well together and create a young persons " nomal feeling ", which is being layed back and casual, also reflecting the band which the article is based on. On the page on the right is were the article is, it is in a black font and thier is a plain white background to make the text clear to read. There is also an interesting pull quote on this page in a much larger and bolder font to draw the readers attention and to make them carry on reading.

Institution - NME magazine is published by a publishing company called Bauer.

Ideology - The ideology in this double page spread is to interview the featured band / artist for this issue of NME which is rock band The Chapman Family. The ideology is to produce and interesting article which the audience can sit and enjoy.

Audience - The audience for this double page spread is for people who enjoy listening to the rock music genre and especially for those people who are huge fans of The Chapman Family. NME magazine is priced at £2.30 per issue and is released on a weekly basis so it will be affordable for most people.

Representation - When looking at the representational features on this double page spread. Its main target is that the featured band / artist for this article represents the target audience, it represents what the target audience for the magazine aspire to be like. So for this double page spread The Chapman Family fit the correct target audience due to being a rock band and you wouldnt find a double page spread article on them in  opera genre magazine for example. Synergy is used within this double page spread by having The Chapman Family's article featured in it. They have thousands of fans around the world which will help NME to sell the magazine, in return NME have had an article written up for the band which is posotive and gives aspects of society back to the target audience. NME help to promote The Chapman family's upcoming tours and gigs etc.

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