Sunday 5 December 2010

First analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page. 

This is going to be the first of three music magazine contents pages that i am going to analyse as part of my music magazine re-search. This will help me in the step by step process in producing my own music magazine contents page. The three contents pages that i am going to analyse are going to beof the same genre that i have chose to base my music magazine on which is heavy metal / rock. The first music magazine contents page that i am going to analyse is going to be the contents page featured inside the issue of "Metal Hammer" which i analysed the cover of earlier in my re-search. I will analyse the contents page using the LIIAR technique

Language - The contents page in this issue of Metal Hammer is relevent to what is going to be featured in the magazine. The contents page features relevent images of different bands directing the reader to a the page which the specific bands article is featured on. Most of the images are taken at mid shot or medium close up, this allows the viewer to see all of the band members clearly and see thier expressions. All of the images on the contents page are of heavy metal bands which shows that the genre for the magazine is heavy metal. Were the images are positioned on the contents page will stay the same in each issue to show consistancy, however the bands which are in the images will obviously change. There is a masthead positioned at the top left of the contents page. There is the logo followed by the word "Contents" to show the reader that this is the contents page and then there is the month that the issue was released which is July and also the year that the magazine was released which was 2010. The word "contents" in the masthead stands out clearly because it is in a black font and contrasts well with the white background. The contents page has a consistent housestyle, for example they use the same font, font size and font colour for all subheadings. The contents list which runs along the left side of the contents page also has a consistent housestyle, all page numbers are clearly marked and are in the same font and font colour which is red. The contents page features three main colours which are black, red and white. These three colours go well together because they all help each other stand out, this also makes the contents page easy to read even if the reader doesnt have the best of eye sights. Each subheading also features a brief paragraph telling the reader what they can expect to see on that particular page.

Institution - The institution for Metal Hammer magazine is a publishing company called "Future Publishing". Thier institution is to make the audiance who purchase the magazine to buy the next issue which is published on a monthly basis. The publishing company have to make the contents of the magazine sound interesting. This will make the reader want to purchase the heavy metal genre music magazine that they published because it is the best out there.

Ideology - The ideology in this contents page is to navigate and show the reader what articles and stories are going to be featured inside the issue of this magazine. By giving a positive influence and attitude to the fantastic articles that the viewer will read in this magazine, it makes them want to read on because the contents page has made the magazine seem interesting.

Audiance - The audiance for this magazine and its contents page, is for an audiance who have a keen interest and enjoying listening to heavy metal music. Just by looking at the contents page you can tell that it is from a heavy metal magazine because of the images of heavy metal bands, the colours used and the unusual text used on the contents page.

Representation - All photographs and images that are on this contents page represent heavy metal, which is the music magazines genre. These images were planned and were not taken during a live concert. The bands have actually gone into a photography studio to have thier photos taken proffesionally for this magazine. These images were taken in a specific way to match the genre of the magazine. The bands on the contents page are representing aspects of society back to us the viewer. This is an example of synergy, by having several bands who the target audiacne idolise on the cover it helps the company sell their magazine and the magazine company are helping the particular bands and artists promote their upcoming tours and gigs etc.

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