Friday 15 October 2010

AS Media Studies interception of the brief

Preliminary Exercise

For my AS Media Studies preliminary exercise I have been asked to produce a front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up which must also include some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. This must be created using DTP (desktop publisher) and an image manipulation program which will be adobe Photoshop CS3.

I am now going to explain how I will use LIIAR to help me create my college magazine cover.

L ( Language )

When producing my college magazine cover, media language will be used within it when looking at the camera angle that I use, which ill be medium close up. Another aspect of language used on my magazine cover will be the masthead that I insert onto it as well. The masthead is the name of the magazine displayed in the typeface in which it is designed. The masthead is the visual branding of the title and usually has unique typeface that stands out.

I ( Institution )

In media, when thinking of the institution within it, we think of the certain institutions who are responsible for producing media texts, they can be represented in a number of different ways. For example the internet, film, music, broadcast ( TV and radio ), print ( newspapers and magazines ).

I ( Ideology )

In media studies, ideology is the ideas behind a media text, the secret agenda of its procedures. Ideology is a mass of ideas or set of beliefs that underlines a process or institution which then leads to social relations. These sets of beliefs are those held by groups within society, and the prevalent ones are those held by the ruling/dominant groups.

A ( Audience )

For my college magazine cover, the target audience means who is the media product aimed at. For a college magazine the audience will be for students between the ages of sixteen and nineteen. My college magazine cover is going to be for a magazine that is produced once during every term, which updates the students on the latest information and news that is going on within the college during that particular term. I think that a college news magazine is going to be aimed at every student in the college, were as if I was going to make the magazine cover based only on the sports teams at the college, then the target audience will most likely be for the students at the college who are studying within the sports department.

R ( Representation )

In media, representation implies what is actually being represented within that specific media text. Gender is probably the basic category we use for sorting human beings, and it is a key issue when discussing representation. Essential elements of our own identity, and the identities e assume other people have, come from concepts of gender. Representation will be used within my college magazine front cover. It will be representing a particular place which will be the college. The model which will be used on my front cover will be of a certain age, probably between the age of sixteen and nineteen. This will be an appropriate age gap for the front cover of my magazine. What I mean by this is, that having a middle aged person on the front of a college magazine for students wouldn’t be suitable. Hence the reason that I am putting a student on the front of my college magazine.

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